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Welcome to Intramural Sports!

Here at Wake Forest University, Intramural Sports offers students, faculty, and staff the unique ability to compete, socialize, and have fun playing sports regardless of age, gender, handicap, or skill level.

All of our programs are free of charge to our students and with a membership, faculty and staff can participate too! Activities include flag football, sand volleyball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, kickball, field hockey, inner tube water polo, tennis, and much more!

We take great pride in the fact that students of the University are extensively involved in the management and supervision of our programs. The Intramural Sports Program offers students the opportunity to join a team of enthusiastic and sports minded individuals that officiate or score-keep several of our major sport programs. If you’re looking for a way to stay involved in a sport you’ve enjoyed growing up and looking to have fun doing it, apply to join the Intramural Sports staff by submitting an application HERE or email us at!

Contact Information: (e) | (p) (336) 758-2649