The Importance of Warming Up and Cooling Down

By: Maddie Boyer Despite running cross country for all four years of high school, I was skeptical how much warm ups and cool down could really benefit you. To me, it seemed like extra running for not a lot of extra reward. Naturally, once I […]

Exercise and Mental Health

By: Maddie Boyer It’s no surprise that exercise is important to your physical health. However, the benefits of exercising also extend to your mental health! While certainly some people are motivated by the appeals of a trim physique or stronger muscles, the positive mental consequences […]

“Healthy” Baking Treats

By: Maddie Boyer Baking is one of my absolute favorite activities. It’s relaxing, it can be social, and you’re creating something (and of course, it’s delicious). If you love to bake and often have treats on hand, spicing up your cooking and adding some nutrition […]

Ways to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

By: Maddie Boyer This time of year, I find myself stepping outside into the beautiful spring air and appreciating being alive on such a gorgeous planet. There’s something about the springtime that just makes you fall in love with the earth all over again. Because […]

Practicing Affirmations and Gratitude

By: Maddie Boyer Of all the ways to practice mindfulness, affirmations and gratitude are some of my favorites. I have gotten into the habit of starting my day with positive affirmations and ending my day with gratitude journaling. The last year has been extremely challenging […]

Why You Should Be Drinking More Water

By: Maddie Boyer You’ve heard it a million times: you should drink more water! It is recommended that the average adult drink about 2 liters, or 8 8-ounce glasses, every day. Even if water isn’t your drink of choice, there are so many benefits that […]

Reasons to Find a Running Buddy

By: Maddie Boyer There are so many reasons why I’m excited for the weather to be warming up, but one of my favorite things about the arrival of spring is getting back into running! The more mild temperatures of spring are perfect for lacing up […]

The Benefits of Meal Prep

By: Maddie Boyer We’re all too familiar with that dreaded question: what’s for dinner? With our lives as busy as they are, the last thing we want to do sometimes is figure out what to make, let alone make it. Enter meal planning! There are […]

Growing Your Spiritual Wellness Through Intentionality

By: Maddie Boyer If there’s one thing Demon Deacons are known for, it’s staying busy. When running from one thing to the next, it is far too easy to get stuck in a pattern of going through the motions and lose sight of what motivated […]

Self-Care for Valentine’s Day

By: Maddie Boyer Valentine’s Day this year is looking a little different, and in all likelihood you need some extra self-care. No matter your relationship status, spend some time this year showing some love for the most important person in your life: you! We’ve gathered […]

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